What is a Postcards to Voters group? Imagine a cross between an activist meeting and a 21st century knitting circle whose members meet regularly to write colorful, friendly postcards to get out the Democratic vote in elections around the country. And while these activists write, and talk, they are immersing themselves in positive messaging, building community and finding their political voices. Their commitment to changing our democracy one postcard at a time epitomizes the remarkable grassroots energy that is defining this moment in our history.
In this second part of our Postcards to Voters series, you will hear from Ellen, Barbara, Amy, Julie and Susan, all members of a New York City-based postcard writing group. In this short video, learn what motivated them to get started, why postcarding is a form of therapy, how their group has moved beyond just writing postcards and how postcarding empowers women. They call themselves “Sharpie warriors” and have created a warm community of like-minded souls for whom postcarding is just the first step in their activist journeys together.
Their story is not unique and this New York group is just one of many throughout the country (including several others in New York City alone). There are groups in Florida retirement homes, deep red Congressional districts in Texas, and massive operations in Portland, Oregon selling t-shirts and throwing fundraisers, to name just a few. The organic growth of these postcard groups is what Tony the Democrat, founder of Postcards to Voters, calls a “lovely and beautiful” but completely unintended benefit of his movement. It’s not surprising that postcard groups have become so popular. They provide an easy, low stress entry into political activism that is unintimidating, friendly and beneficial on so many levels, from engaging the electorate to personally gratifying.
To learn more about Postcards to Voters and Tony the Democrat, read Part 1 in this series. And if you want to get in on the postcard movement, with or without a group, it’s easy to get started by texting JOIN to 484-275-2229. As Barbara says, “Don’t just sit there and moan, let’s get involved, and do what you can do.” <br />