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Voatz Mobile Voting App

This episode features a conversation with Nimit Sawhney of Voatz, a mobile voting app that uses cutting edge technology to make voting more accessible, secure and auditable. Voatz is already in use in elections around the world and has the potential to transform our electoral system here in the U.S. Nimit and Nancy discuss the app’s blockchain-based technology; they do a deep dive on security concerns; and Nimit explains how Voatz has the potential to restore public trust in the voting process. This is the third episode in a series on the transformative power of mobile voting. The first featured Episode…
October 16, 2024

Environmental Voter Project

This episode features a conversation with Nathaniel Stinnett of the Environmental Voter Project, a nonprofit that is building political power for climate issues not by changing minds but by changing behavior. As a political campaign veteran, Nathaniel noticed that an enormous number of registered voters lists the environment as a top priority but does not vote. So he came up with the brilliant idea of turning them into consistent voters to build the political power to fix the climate crisis.  Nathaniel and Nancy discuss the highly accurate predictive models that they use to identify these voters; how to turn these…
October 2, 2024

140 Florida Blue

On this episode, Nancy catches up with activist Margie Stein of 140 Florida Blue who continues to work tirelessly to make Florida blue again. Nancy and Margie speak about why she is once again recruiting and funding Democrats to run in every single Florida district, even where Democrats don’t normally win; the reverse coattails effect; the abortion amendment on the ballot; and the path to making Florida a swing state once again. It does cost money to help a candidate run, but the long term impact could be priceless. Click here to donate and click here to watch David Pepper’s…
September 18, 2024

School Boards and the Education Truth Project

This episode features a conversation with Jason Springer about how the Education Truth Project, a New Jersey super PAC, is keeping school boards free of outside, extremist voices. Jason and Nancy discuss how, in recent years, out of state groups have been infiltrating  local school boards, using children as pawns to advance political agendas; how we need to return to dialogue versus the “my way or the highway” mentality; and the importance of local solutions to local issues. For more information on the Education Truth Project, visit their website. 
September 4, 2024

Can One County Flip North Carolina Blue?

On this episode, Nancy speaks with Drew Kromer, Chairman of the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party in North Carolina. Could Mecklenburg County hold the key to flipping North Carolina blue?  According to Drew, the answer is yes. Nancy and Drew talk about the huge numbers of Democrats in the county and the slim margins needed to win state-wide races; why people have historically not shown up to the polls; and how to scale up their volunteer operation in time for November and create lasting Democratic infrastructure for the future. To donate or volunteer, go to the Meck Dems website.
August 21, 2024

The Mobile Voting Project

This episode features a conversation with Jocelyn Bucaro of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Mobile Voting Project. Could mobile voting save democracy?  Jocelyn and Nancy speak about how it’s already being used in many jurisdictions in the US and around the world; creating public trust in the technology; and how it has the potential to transform our hyper partisan political landscape and help our democracy work better for us all. For more information, go to the Mobile Voting Project website where you can also sign up to volunteer or follow them on social media.
August 7, 2024

Digital Democracy Project

This episode features a conversation with Ramon Perez of the Digital Democracy Project. Imagine a world where you have the same access to your representatives as a lobbyist or a wealthy donor, where you get to say how you would like them to vote on a bill and see how they vote in real time. You decide for yourself, without the partisan slant, and you see how your fellow constituents weighed in too. And it’s all on an app on the phone in your pocket. That’s called the Digital Democracy Project, and it’s currently a reality in Florida with plans…
July 24, 2024

Season 4: Action is the Antidote

Who among us isn’t feeling at least a tinge, if not a tsunami, of panic right now, with a disastrous debate, dystopian Supreme Court decisions and Project 2025 lurking in our nightmares? I’m not good at sitting with anxiety, so my reaction is always to get to work – and right now that means more new episodes of the New Faces of Democracy podcast. So if you’re looking for a balm for your frazzled soul, check out the new season that’s well underway featuring conversations with people who are nothing short of warriors for democracy. 
July 17, 2024


What to do after a week of a disastrous presidential debate and devastating Supreme Court rulings? This episode features a conversation with Brian Derrick of Oath, who has one solution: smart, impactful giving to candidates up and down the ballot who will protect democracy and defend our most cherished rights. Oath is an online fundraising platform that helps Democratic donors identify where their money is most needed in the races that mean the most to them, whether their focus is flipping the House, state legislatures, reproductive rights and more. Nancy and Brian talk about the problem of wasted donations to…
July 10, 2024

#iVoted Concerts

This episode features a conversation with Emily White of #iVoted Concerts. For all the technology in our world today, voter turnout tactics, like door knocking and phone banking, have seen remarkably little innovation in decades. But when, in 2016, Wisconsin native and music industry insider Emily White first heard about the narrow vote margin that helped Donald Trump win the White House in her home state, she thought, “Wait a minute, that’s the size of a concert venue!”. That was the lightbulb moment when Emily came up with the idea of organizing election night concerts with free tickets for people…
June 12, 2024